Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Welcome to My Blog

Hey y'all,
          Welcome to my blog! I am going to be using this platform to document my college experience as a first semester student at the University of Texas at Austin. However, I also wanted to create a guide for people who are trying to figure out college life, so hopefully this will help people figure out what to do and not to do. College is a difficult time for many people, so I hope that my blog alleviates some of the pressures and stresses students have in moving away from home and figuring out their lives for the next four years. There are many aspects to living on your own, so I want to cover some basics and some challenges most students face. At the end of every week, I will document a new experience/lesson. I think this will be a great way to enhance my personal college life, especially because it will help me remember all the memories and lessons I learned during my first semester at UT. 
I have always been passionate about wanting to help others, so making a guide for new college kids will be a great way for me to impact others in a positive way. I want people to use my guide as a suggestion for making their college years better, but not taking everything I write about to heart because everyone has a unique journey throughout college. People should feel free to make their own decisions when they view my blog, but also think about what will be best for them. One of the values I have is learning from my mistakes and making the most of my experiences, and I really want to prevent people from not enjoying their time in college because they feel lost and have no idea what to do. This project is meaningful to me because I know the struggles people face, and as someone who stresses about every little thing in life, having to make every decision and doing everything on your own can negatively impact an individual’s entire college experience. There is no right or successful way to go through college, but I hope my guide can help people figure it out step-by-step, provide a starting point in their own plans, or just use it as a tool/reference when they are confused. Please free free to share my blog, give me ideas, ask questions, or give me any other feedback so I can work on and improve the blog for you guys!! :)

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