Friday, September 20, 2019

Week 5: Living in a Dorm (1 month update)

So, I've been living in a dorm for a month now and I am SO glad I am not living in an apartment right now. Initially I really did not want to stay in a dorm because of the cramped space, but honestly it was a good choice. My dorm is not that small (I live in Duren), and it honestly feels like a hotel sometimes. It's so clean, nice, and private. I even have my own bathroom that I just share with my roommate, so that's the cherry on top. I posted some pictures of my room in my Week 1 post if you would like to see. Honestly, even though I am not completely living on my own, making my own food, or having to clean everything myself, living here has made me grow up a little, develop some responsibilities, and prioritize my tasks. You don't actually realize the small things you constantly need, like paper towels, when you are at home. And if you're like me, someone who never did chores and luckily had the stuff I needed most of the time, living alone is a wake up call. Making sure your roommate is comfortable, setting boundaries with each other, and dividing up the living arrangements take a lot of work and energy to be honest. However, the most important part is: EATING. Every college student is busy, which is why I am glad I have a meal plan on campus because I don't think I would eat if I had to make my own food. It is so time-consuming, so when you are in a dorm, please take advantage of the dining halls. Many people on campus complain about the food, but honestly there is so much variety. I live across from Kinsolving, and the food there is so good. Also, keep the fridge and snack bars stocked in your room because you will get hungry very often, especially because of the amount of walking we all have to do on UT's campus. Furthermore, having a set schedule on when to clean is important too because the room can get messy FAST. I'm pretty lazy, like I haven't made my bed since August, but I really do make an effort to keep the rest of the room organized. I think my dorm is allowing me to get a good balance between complete adulthood and slowly gaining responsibilities. I have to do a lot on my own, but I have some benefits, like no bills, cooking, and maintenance. Also, the location of my dorm is great too because it is close to many restaurants, in case I do get bored with dining hall food, and it isn't too far from my classes either. Doing research beforehand and planning out where the best place to live during your first year of college is something I highly recommend doing because it really affects your experience. I am glad I tried something out of my comfort zone, and actually listened to my parents for once by opting to live in a dorm. I have friends in apartments who wish they lived on campus because the vibe is just different. I really enjoy it, and I think every first year student should live on campus because it is a good balance; if I had to become a full on adult my first year, I would be such a mess right now. I hope this helped some of you who are confused with deciding where to stay when you come to UT. Trust me the easy accessibility to everything really makes a difference, especially on this campus!

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