Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Week 13: Networking

So similar to last week, I will be talking about getting to know people this week. Again, being open-minded to anyone and everyone is key because you never know what you can get out of the interaction: a friendship, a job, or just a learning experience. You have no idea if the person next to you will end up being a multi-billionaire CEO of a company in a field that interests you. One thing that I would credit to my FIG is that we have had many lessons on how we can utilize our college experience in order to enhance our future in life. It is recommended to make a LinkedIn, update your resume, and just contact people all through social media. There are many people out there to scout and help you out, you just have to be cognizant and diligent in figuring out how to get in touch with them. If you start early and put in the effort then more people will notice you and know who you are, which could make you a front-runner in highly competitive situations, like recruitment. I recommend you guys take these tups to heart and actually get a head start because college flies by and sometimes people leave without knowing what to do next, so getting ahead and exploring avenues where you can gain opportunities to try new things will really help you. Let me know if you need help because even I am trying to get ahead, but I know it can be tough setting everything up and keeping it up to date so contact me if you need to! Good luck:)

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