Thursday, November 7, 2019

Week 12: Friendships and Meeting People

Hi!! I wanted to talk about how important making friendships are in college this week with you guys. So a lot of people talk about networking and connecting with people to help them in the future, which is extremely important, but more so than that, I think it is necessary to build bonds with people because they end up being your support system in your home away from home. I came in with many friends already here at UT, but honestly I have drifted away from some of them, and that is completely okay. People go through many friend groups during their college years, but they usually end up with a few extremely close friends and in touch with many good people. It is normal for people to grow and have their paths diverge in different directions, but that does not mean you cut people off or be rude. Staying kind to everyone is very important because you never know when you will need them, and being there for them is gratifying because you are helping someone through whatever they are going through. Furthermore, I encourage going out and meeting many people as much as you can. The semester can get really hectic and annoying to the point where you literally just want to stay in your room and work all day, but even if you talk to someone new every day in your classes can lead to lifelong or even short term friendships. Getting to know people helps broaden your perspective on life, new views, and just a good time. Never try to be someone you are not for someone else, but if you vibe with someone then make sure you make the effort to stay in touch with them. College is hard, I have said this time and time again, and I think that one of the main ways I destress or cope with my anxiety is by surrounding myself with good people and just hanging out with them whenever I can. So, I encourage you to meet new people and be open-minded because you never know when you'll encounter that new best friend or even someone that you enjoy talking to! :)

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